My love of quiet

woman-792818_1920I love quiet. There’s something special about sitting in the haunting stillness of the early morning. Watching the sun slowly break over the horizon, flooding the sky with fiery hues of reds, oranges, and purples. Or taking a long, meandering walk through vibrant fields of tall grass and deliciously scented wildflowers. The whispering wind the only sound around you. Or even the companionable silence shared between two people. Each curled up in a cozy nest on the couch, absorbed in different worlds within the pages of dusty books.

While quiet is the absence of noise, it’s so much more than that. It’s an opportunity to recharge and relax. To gather your thoughts or analyze your day. It can be warm and inviting, full of promise, cozy and reassuring. There are few things more satisfying than comfortable silence between family or friends.

To this day I still have people tell me that I’m quiet. Yes, I’ve been this way my whole life, I’m quite aware of this. Or they’ll ask me why I’m quiet.

Firstly, I’m not quiet. Just ask my close friends and family. You can’t get me to shut up. So I’m likely not comfortable enough around you to open up. I don’t like small talk. Unfortunately most surface-level conversation is composed of “how’s the weather” and gossip. I love sharing deep conversation and meaning with others.

I don’t talk constantly because I don’t feel the need to. I’m not sad. I’m not upset. I could be tired or burned out. I could be wistfully remembering vacation memories. I could be musing over what to make for supper. I could be trying to block out peripheral noise so I can hear better. Or I just might not feel like talking and that’s perfectly okay too.

What is your favourite thing about quiet?

17 thoughts on “My love of quiet

  1. bethlovesblue says:

    I have been a classroom teacher for many years. I had a philosophical argument with my principal because I let a “quiet” kid “get away with not answering in public.” I told him this child gave thoughtful answers on paper and in small groups, but I was not going to make him speak in front of the class.

    I have also had to reassure parents over the years that quiet/shy is OK, and to chill the heck out!

    Finally, there is a book I recommend.. “Quiet, the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking.” If you like quiet, you need to read it.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Soul Simple says:

      We need more teachers like you, and in the workplace. I’ve seen many children, teens and adults get overlooked because of their shyness / quietness. The contribution of someone who is quiet / introverted is no less than those who are louder or more extroverted. In fact, the voice of quiet is often a sign someone is busy nurturing a rich and curious mind. Thank you for recognising this. Your students will thank you for it.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Ally says:

      I would have loved to have you as a teacher growing up! Knowing there’s an adult that’s on their side would make an incredible difference in the lives of your quieter students. I’m also a huge fan of Quiet by Susan Cain. It’s an awesome read for introverts and extroverts alike. Thank you for sharing 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Soul Simple says:

    Reading this was like reading into my own soul. The quiet for me is my happy place. My physical, emotional and spiritual renewal. Time to recharge. Time to reflect. Just time. Like you, I am not great with small talk. I find it pointless and tiring. But as soon as something catches my interest, or I feel I can add value to a conversation, I’m all in. Many of the people I know struggle to understand this. It’s both comforting and interesting knowing there are others out there who are very much the same.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ally says:

      I also find it comforting to know others experience life in similar ways. In conversation it’s often all or nothing for me. Either I’m not invested at all (small talk, weather, gossip) or highly interested and will offer my own thoughts and opinions as the conversation progresses. Thanks for sharing 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. twainwall says:

    I love this post Ally. 🙂 Quiet times listening to the rain beating down and the freshness that comes after the downpour is something so refreshing it seems to give you energy; that’s what I love.
    This really cheered me up today, thanks Ally. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Liz says:

    I like quiet time for different reasons. I have always been quiet. As a child experiencing bullying and things that went on at home, it made me a very quiet child.
    As a teenager in Youth Training, I opened up a little. But to a select few. This still kind of follows through as an adult.

    But as an adult, being late deafened, when I have been lip reading most of the day, when chatting, it gets tiring and so I need to recharge. It’s nice to relax and just be me. The hearing aids will come out at times too. But only when I am on my own

    I am also known to be quiet because I am day dreaming, in deep thought, or people watching, or appreciating the scenery around me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ally says:

      I also love people watching and soaking in my surroundings. It allows you to be a part of the action without the overwhelm that comes from too much conversation. I’m glad you’re able to find moments of quiet to relax and recharge. Thank you for sharing your experiences 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. VTNessa says:

    Quiet allows my other senses to more fully engage, noticing colors and sights even better (I turn the radio off when driving conditions are more challenging, etc.). I also use quiet as a self-diagnostic tool… if I am in quiet and cannot get my brain to settle enough to enjoy the peacefulness around me, then I need to see where my thoughts are going. There’s usually something I need to work on when that is the case.

    My favorite quiet though is that of a heavy snowfall. The snow absorbs so many of the extraneous noises and settles my soul. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ally says:

      I’m the same way. If I can’t get my thoughts to settle, there’s probably something I need to address. I agree, there’s something magical about watching the heavy flakes drift down. Thank you for sharing 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Paula says:

    I find myself becoming very uncomfortable in my own house due to noise. This has never bothered me until a few years ago, especially since we retired. My husband, whose hearing is failing him, keeps our tv at such a loud volume and it makes me feel anxious. He gets angry when I suggest seeing if he needs a hearing aid. On top of the loud volume on the tv we have a humidifier running and the heater coming off and on. Every afternoon, when my husband walks the dog I turn everything down, or off, to enjoy a moment of quiet. This is actually affecting my health, but so does the friction of talking about his hearing. I just needed to vent my frustration. –

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ally says:

      I’m so sorry you’re having a difficult time. I know its not always possible but is there anywhere you can go when you need a quiet moment? You’re in my thoughts and I hope things can improve for you.


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