5 reasons why being single is awesome

travel soloMost of the time I’m perfectly happy being single. But I’ve also been on the receiving end of unkind comments on the subject. While being in a relationship can be a wonderful thing. I wanted to focus on some of the positive aspects of being single. So here are 5 reasons why being single is awesome.

1. Traveling solo.
As an introvert, your traveling companion can make or break the trip. If you’re traveling with someone you mesh with, it can be an incredible experience. But traveling with someone who doesn’t is frustrating and can ruin a trip. As a solo traveler, you pick the itinerary and choose when to stop for breaks. You can also go at your own pace which is super helpful for an introvert. I had an incredible time traveling solo in Japan and would definitely recommend it.

2. Flexible schedule.
Many have told me that singles have more free time. But this isn’t true. Singles have to do everything for themselves. Full time work, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, food prep, and workouts take up most of my time. And there’s no one to share these duties with. But I do have a more flexible schedule. If something comes up I can move things around without affecting anyone else.

3. Self reflection and improvement.
I’ve learned that being in a relationship isn’t necessary for a fulfilling life. I’m embracing my current situation and working on self improvement. Society promotes the idea that there’s something wrong with you if you’re single. But being single allows you to discover who you are and what you want to do with your life. We can develop our skills and personality. We can read, travel, take classes, learn, grow, and create a meaningful life for ourselves.

4. Deepen relationships.
Being single doesn’t mean you have to be alone. We can develop deeper relationships with the people who mean the most to us. As a single, I’ve planned many coffee dates, movie nights, and walks with friends. And I’ve been able to spend more time with my family which is time I treasure.

5. You’re not in a bad relationship.
I’ve seen friends stay in miserable relationships because they didn’t want to be single. Because it was a “better” alternative to being alone. Embracing your single status is a strength and something to celebrate.

What do you think?

20 thoughts on “5 reasons why being single is awesome

  1. awkward brown guy says:

    I agree with all of these, and being single is suiting me right now. That said, my fear is that I’ll get used to my solo ways, and then never want to / find it difficult adjust to a (healthy) relationship with someone 😕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. buff327 says:

    One of my friends said she was alone, but not lonely…I think most people want to be loved and to have someone on their side, someone to believe in you and protect you. Writing is a solitary sport. You are the only contestant racing against yourself. Your Muse is your best friend on that journey. Having someone to be with and the solo time to write is a jugglars dance. Drop one thing and you might lose it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. twainwall says:

    I really like this bit of thought and writting Ally. 🙂
    I totally agree with these comments and being flexible really does ring true with me.
    Some of my very small group of friends say that maybe I spend to much time in my head, but I like the fact I have a good imagination and I like to do things that are creative, fun and that I seem to learn more from doing them too!
    Love this post Ally. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kaye Star says:

    I agree! I am in a relationship, but I was not miserable when I was single. In fact, there are some things I do miss about being single. The mistake a lot of people make is they assume having a boyfriend or girlfriend means you’ll never feel lonely. Not true at all. You can feel lonely in a crowd of people. A romantic relationship shouldn’t be a band-aid.

    Liked by 3 people

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