My journey thus far

JourneyThis is my 200th post. I’m completely blown away by this fact. My blogging journey originally started when I was taking graphic design several years ago. We had to create and provide weekly updates for a design blog. It was one way to create an online presence for ourselves. I enjoyed working on my design blog but there was a certain amount of stress involved. After I graduated, I forgot about it. A few years later, I remembered that I had a blog, and started working on it, but never really had the same passion for it.

This happened right around the same time I discovered I was an introvert by taking the Myers-Briggs test online. I then devoured everything I could find on the subject. I read the Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney. This book changed my life. You mean I’m actually normal? It was awesome. I followed up with Quiet by Susan Cain. Another great book I’d definitely recommend. I was also encouraged to read Introvert Power by Laurie Helgoe and its been a great read so far. I googled introversion. I pored over articles, blogs, and forums dedicated to the subject. I took several different tests online and got the same results. I immersed myself in knowledge about who I was, and why I was that way.

This all led to a desire to connect with like-minded individuals. I wanted to meet others like me. Others who knew they were introverted and who accepted that part of themselves. That got me started with blogging again. I felt that being able to connect with these people could help me in my own journey. And I have found so much help and support here since I’ve started writing about my own experiences. I’ve met some absolutely amazing and inspiring people. And I feel very comfortable sharing my own story, even things I haven’t shared with people in person. You all are really special and I hope you know that 🙂

And now the question is, where do I want to go from here? I definitely plan to keep blogging. I really hope that people can relate to what I write and maybe get something out of it. And I want people who are younger than me to be able to accept themselves for who they are, whether they are introverted or extroverted. It took me 25 years to get to this point, I don’t want anyone else to struggle with a feeling of inadequacy for as long as I have.

There’s been a “Dear Me” trend going around on Youtube lately where people give their younger selves advice. There’s so much I want to tell my younger self. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re lovely the way you are. Don’t worry, class participation marks are useless. Don’t feel bad because you don’t fit into the prescribed mould. You don’t need to come out of your shell. Its a good thing to have alone time, don’t let people take that away from you. Don’t be afraid to say no, you need to take care of yourself first. Taking care of yourself is not selfish.

I’ve learned a lot recently, and have had the support of so many people. And I hope that somehow I can pass this on to others. So I’ll keep writing, and if you need someone to listen, I’ll be here 🙂

What has your journey been like?

Image credit: “Untitled” by lauren rushing is licensed under CC by 2.0

22 thoughts on “My journey thus far

  1. stevetheman18 says:

    Know exactly how you feel and congratulations! I’m an INTJ so both of our personalities are especially rare. I’ve been on kind of the same journey looking at everything about my personality and other personalities so I can fit into the world without changing too much of who I am.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ally says:

      Thank you 🙂 Realizing I was introverted helped me to accept parts of myself that I thought were inferior or inadequate when compared to others who were more outgoing. I totally agree with fitting into the world while still being you, rather than trying to change who you are, thanks for commenting!


      • stevetheman18 says:

        I generally have no problem with extroverts because I myself can act like an extrovert in phases although I do get tired. Of any other trait I struggle with, it’s the sensors. They are everywhere and it seems like the N’s usually don’t get along very well with them. My family is comprised of all S’s except 4 or 5 people so I struggle a lot and I feel like my INTJ self lay in dormant because I wanted to be accepted by them but then I started getting into this extreme depression and anxiety. Finally, I just completely accepted it and never been the same. So yeah, sometimes I don’t relate to them but that’s fine. I have a couple people who totally get me and I can show them my full self.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ally says:

          That’s awesome that you were able to accept yourself, regardless of the people around you. I’m still working on that part 🙂 There are only a few people who know me completely and accept me for who I am. Everyone else just gets a small glimpse 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Melene McAlmont says:

    “Don’t worry, class participation marks are useless.” — so funny and so true. The kids really need to know this.
    I’m close to my 200th post. Congratulations. Blogging is tough and rewarding. It’s great for feeling better about those things you’ve previously felt were inadequacies.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ally says:

      Thank you for your comment, that’s awesome that you’re almost at 200 posts too! I totally agree, blogging is both challenging but rewarding. And I’m so grateful for everyone I’ve met along the way 🙂


  3. Blues Fairy says:

    This drew me in, dunno why. You wrote with such vulnerability and emotion, I can smell it ( I’m a synesthete XD ). I hope you reveal more of the wonderful person you are. I might not always comment or ‘like’, but I often read your posts. Most readers are silent, but they are there. Keep on 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Warrior Freya says:

    When I read your line about “Where do I want to go from here?” My first, knee jerk reaction was, “Noooo! You have to keep writing!” XD

    Luckily I kept reading your post before giving in to my initial freak-out. : p

    Blogging has definitely been one of the best things that I have gotten into. I love the community that I have found through blogging and the people that I’ve been able to connect with. Especially you and Seven Years.

    You both are huge inspirations for me and I smile every time I see a post from either of you in my inbox.

    Keep on keepin’ on! I’m reading every step of the way. : )

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ally says:

      That’s a great question. The Introvert Advantage was the first book I read on introversion and the one that I lend to people if they’re interested. The way the book is formatted, its very easy to pick up and read any section that might interest you. Introvert Power (I’m almost finished reading it) is a fun read. And there are so many quotes from Laurie Helgoe that I really connect with. But of the three, I would have to say that Quiet by Susan Cain was my favourite. Its so well written and you can tell that she’s very passionate about her subject. It also has a lot of interesting references to history, scientific studies, and her own experiences.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. pearlgirl says:

    I really struggle with this one… “Don’t be afraid to say no, you need to take care of yourself first.”
    Congratulations on 200 posts! 🙂 I am so thankful for you and your blog. You have been such an encouragement and inspiration to me. Thank you! (And I’m very glad you’ll continue blogging.)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ayumi says:

    Dear Ally,
    I just started blogging, but my reasons were very similar to yours. About a year ago I found that I am an HSP and I can tell I am an introvert without ever having taken a test, as I think there isn’t much uncertainty with someone who doesn’t mind being alone for days.
    Glad I found your blog, I’m looking forward to reading some more of your posts. It feels so good to see that one is not alone with being “different”. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ally says:

      Thank you so much for stopping by. That’s the part of blogging that I really love, getting to connect with others who have experienced the same kinds of things. I love your ‘say no’ blog post. Its especially important to say no when you’re an HSP 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ayumi says:

        I so agree with you. In “real life” it is pretty hard to find people that struggle with similar things – most often probably because one doesn’t exactly talk about typical HSP or introvert issues with many people. Good thing there is internet! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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